Ready to grow a lush and healthy lawn?

healthy lawn

Having a healthy lawn is a great advantage to many homeowners. If you know how to grow lawn properly, you improve air quality, reduce noise, increase flood control, and so on.

Want to enjoy these benefits as well? Follow this easy guide to learn some lawn care tips on growing a healthy lawn that can make your neighbors green with envy.

1. Always Test the Soil

Begin with soil testing as it’s the fundamental starting point. Every soil varies, and understanding your soil pH is vital to growing healthy grass.

With no suitable pH for nutrient carriers, you can’t have optimal benefits from your soil. To test the soil, you can get a DIY kit or ask a soil lab to do it for you.

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2. Less Water and Fertilizer on Shady Areas

People manage to overwater shady areas since the grass under them often struggles. However, that is a mistake as it only kills the grass faster. Many people usually have two areas in their lawns: one part gets full sunlight and a shaded area that only has a few hours of direct sun.

The grass in shady parts requires less water and fertilizer due to less sun and evaporation. In shaded areas, it’s best to slow the controls on the spreader to disperse half the amount.

3. Know the Ideal Mowing Height of Your Grass

When growing a lush lawn, learn the mowing height of the grass variety you’re growing and trim according to it. For instance, you must cut Bermudagrass about 1 inch and buffalo grass around 2 to 3 inches.

How to know if your lawn requires mowing? The rule is you can cut the grass if it gets one-third of the recommended mowing height.

4. Don’t Overwater

It may appear illogical, though overwatering your lawn induces more harm than a lack of water. Most turf grasses need 1 to 1 and 1/2 inches of water every week.

It is also adequate to moisten 4 to 6 inches for clay and 8 to 10 inches for sandy soils. Try to avoid a strict watering schedule as what a healthy lawn needs depend on weather and the kind of grass or soil.

5. Fertilize Your Lawn the Proper Way

To compensate for the stress of mowing, it’s essential to fertilize your lawn often. Every springtime, use fertilizer for the lawn monthly or every forty days. We recommend a mixture of potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus to promote growth.

Fertilize right after mowing to stimulate the absorption of the product. Furthermore, water it to help dissolve the fertilizer and maximize its effect.

Grow Your Own Healthy Lawn!

By following the tips above and putting them into action, you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy lawn. Knowing the height of grass when mowing can boost growth while cutting it too short can stress it out. Testing your soil ph and setting a schedule for fertilizers are likewise necessary for a lush green lawn.

Get to learn more about having a healthy lawn by reading the rest of our articles. Check out our home articles and improve the situation of your lawn and home.