5 Tips to Help You Beat Fatigue at the Philadelphia Airport

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If you travel a lot, you’re familiar with jet lag or what geeks call flight dysrhythmia. Unfortunately, that fatigue can come with awful symptoms like loss of appetite, an upset stomach, insomnia, and mental fuzziness. And if you’re traveling far from Philadelphia, the worse the jet lag will be. That’s because crossing time zones can throw off your body clock. What can you do to beat this fatigue? Here are some ideas.

Prepare Yourself Ahead of the Trip

One of the reasons you get exhausted at the airport is because of rushing or doing things at the last minute. This is a bad idea, because you won’t just get tired physically but mentally as well. Instead, start planning your trip from the start. Have you packed everything you need? How will you be getting to the airport? Where will you leave your car? Have you looked up airport parking coupons to lower your parking fees? When you have everything set and make it to the airport on time, you won’t have to rush through security checks or lines to ensure you don’t miss your flight.

Wear Comfortable Clothing

If you know your trip will be long, wear comfortable clothes. This is particularly important during summer when Philadelphia’s weather can get quite hot. Don’t burden your body with too many layers, as you’ll be uncomfortable. Equally important, avoid tight clothes. When they stick to your body, you’ll feel moisture building up against your skin which can contribute to exhaustion.

Don’t Exert Yourself Too Much Before the Flight

Some people tire themselves too much before the flight so that they can sleep on the plane. But this doesn’t always work as planned. All it means is that you’ll be exhausted at the airport and during your flight. The last thing you want is to arrive at your destination while not well-rested. And sleep deprivation can make you cranky. Rest as you would normally and listen to your body.

Drink Enough Water

Drink plenty of water than usual. Air travel can be dehydrating. And between security checks, waiting for your flight, and carrying your luggage, you need to replenish your energy. Even during your flight, continue taking water. You don’t have to wait until you’re thirsty to request some from the attendant. Staying hydrated will help prevent jet lag, and your body will thank you when you land at your destination. You may also want to avoid caffeinated drinks like green tea or coffee, as they can prevent you from sleeping well.

Watch What You Eat

Pay attention to the meals you eat before or during your flight, especially if you’re going far. For instance, carbohydrates can make you feel more tired. If you want to stay awake, opt for protein-rich foods like eggs, fish, cheese, and meat. If you want to fall asleep quickly, eat noodles or potatoes.

Airport fatigue can make your journey miserable, especially if you’re flying far or to a different time zone. Prepare early, stay hydrated and eat the right meal. Doing these reduces the possibility of fatigue.