Stem Cell Banking in Dubai: Myths vs. Facts Ranked

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A baby’s early years are crucial for its general development. Thus, parents are often sensitive to everything concerning their children. Stem cells have novel therapeutic possibilities for addressing conditions like diabetes and heart disease because of their exceptional capacity for regeneration.

Understanding how to employ these cells for cell-based treatments to cure disease still requires lots of stem cell banking effort and research in labs and clinics. Parents just want the best for their kids, despite all the stress and excitement that comes with caring for a baby.

To achieve optimum advantages, new parents might be extremely cautious about the options accessible to their infants and scrutinize every detail. When it comes to making sure the infant receives the finest care possible, this vigilance is even more evident.

In this article, we shall help you learn more about stem cells by debunking certain myths that you might find on the internet and social media. This will help you to understand the importance of stem cells further and get the encouragement to store them for your child’s future needs.

Myths And Facts For Stem Cell Banking

In this section, we will talk about some of the myths of stem cell banking and do a fact-check for them. Hopefully, that would help you get more information about it.

Myth 1: Stem Cells And Cord Blood Are The Same Things.

Fact: The core cells of the embryo, known as a blastocyst, which is 3 to 5 days old, give rise to the complete body of the creature.

Distinct populations of adult stem cells provide replacements for cells lost due to natural wear and tear, injury, or illness in several adult tissues, such as bone marrow, muscle, and brain.

Instead of an embryo, umbilical cord blood cells are extracted from the cord (and placenta) after a baby is born.

Similar to embryonic stem cells, they are also capable of self-renewal and can differentiate to become specialized cells. But, there are still differences between cord blood and stem cells.

While cord blood cells are only capable of producing hematopoietic cells—those found in the immune and circulatory systems; while embryonic stem cells are pluripotent or able to develop into every type of cell in the body.

Myth 2: Banked Blood Cells Will be Good for 18 Years Only.

Fact: Usually, most of the cord blood cell storing organizations offer a maximum of 20-year storage option. And that’s why most people think the cells might go to a waste after that.

However, that’s not true and is ultimately one of the myths of stem cell research today.

If stored properly, cord blood can last for more than 20 years. But, their overall efficacy tends to get a little lower with age. Hence, it’s best to use them as soon as you can.

Myth – 3: Cord Blood Banking Can Take Something from Your Body.

Fact: Not really. While the umbilical cord is, indeed, a part of your body, it definitely would be cut off when you’re giving birth. Hence, you can either throw it off or store the plasma and blood in a bank. The latter can help you save your and your child’s life from several illnesses.

So, in most cases, it’s best to opt for cord blood banking, instead of wasting the cord.

Myth – 4: Cord Blood Banking isn’t Possible with C-Section.

Fact: C-Section is certainly a riskier option than giving birth naturally to a child. However, it doesn’t make it outright impossible for the doctors to cut off the umbilical cord safely.

However, if you want to collect cord blood for your child, it is a must that you talk to a doctor about it beforehand. The earlier you communicate, the higher your chance of success will be.

Myth – 5: All Cord Blood Banks are Same.

Fact: While their overall purpose is, indeed, the same – most of the cord blood banks operate in a much different manner.

Their rules and regulations, the way they collect blood, and the duration they offer for storage. Also, the pricing of their service will be quite different too.

Hence, it’s always best to talk with the a Dubai bsaed organization as quickly as possible and ensure that you are learning everything about them. If possible, we’ll also ask you to do a little research on an organization before choosing them. The more you know, the better you can collaborate.